Most Effective way of learning Data Strutures and Algorithms

Most Effective way of learning Data Strutures and Algorithms


1 min read

We all have at some point in time struggled with DSA, especially when we are a beginner. We all want a course that covers all the essential topics and which makes us prepared. Okay okay, I am not here to sell any sort of course but the thing is, Is it okay to be dependent on a single course or person. What we need to learn about Data structures and Algorithms is available for free in the ocean of Internet, There are infinite number of websites on which you can practice your learnt concepts. below is the list of topics that I have prepared for myself and want to share with you all to learn and cover everything and not missing out on anything.

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I recommend covering each topic one by one and practicing each of them one by one regularly.

I hope it will be helpful to everybody. ๐Ÿ˜Š
